Our concerts in the past
Migrated data from our old website.
Gabrieli Spring Concert
Date: Saturday, 27. April 2019, 07:00pm
Venue: St. Columba’s Scottish Church, Budapest
Bach: St John Passion
Date: Tuesday, 16. April 2019, 07:00pm
Venue: Belvárosi Főplébániatemplom, Budapest, Március 15. tér, 1056
Johann Sebastian Bach’s St. John Passion will be performed by Belvárosi Kántorátus (musical director: László Gesztesi Tóth), the Gabrieli Choir (musical director: Alastair Cameron) and the Savaria Chamber Orchestra conducted by Pál Németh.
Bach: St John Passion
Date: Monday, 15. April 2019, 07:00pm
Venue: Páli Szent Vince Plébániatemplom, 1097 Budapest, Haller utca 19-21.
Johann Sebastian Bach’s St. John Passion will be performed by Belvárosi Kántorátus (musical director: László Gesztesi Tóth), the Gabrieli Choir (musical director: Alastair Cameron) and the Savaria Chamber Orchestra conducted by Pál Németh.
Choral Evensong
Date: Saturday, 9. March 2019, 06:30pm
Venue: Fasori Evangélikus Templom, Budapest, VII. Városligeti Fasor 17.
In Hungary, the Gabrieli Choir – the only choir to specialize in the study and performance (usually in concerts) of Anglican cathedral repertoire – sings two Evensongs a year, and these offer a unique opportunity for this wonderful repertoire to be heard in the context for which most of it was originally written.
Carol Service
Date: Friday, 14. December 2018, 06:00pm
Venue: Saint Columba’s Scottish Presbyterian Church Budapest, VI., Vörösmarty utca 51.
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols in Budapest: the service is based around nine short Bible readings telling the Christmas story. Interspersed with these are carols, both familiar and new, some sung by the choir alone, others by the choir and congregation together.
Durufle: Requiem
Date: Friday, 2. November 2018, 06:00pm
Venue: Belvárosi Főplébániatemplom
We will be singing the Requiem, composed by the French composer Maurice Duruflé, together with the Belvárosi Kántorátus, Premi Cantores-Gödöllő and the Albertfalvi Énekes Iskola.
Durufle: Requiem and other pieces
Date: Thursday, 1. November 2018, 07:00pm
Venue: Szent Lajos templom
The Gabrieli Choir will be singing the Requiem composed by the French composed Maurice Duruflé for solo voice, mixed choir and organ.
Will Todd: Mass in Blue
Date: Saturday, 2. June 2018, 07:00pm
Venue: St. Columba’s Scottish Church, Budapest
Jazz mass for mixed choir, soprano soloist and jazz trio.
Whitbourn: Son of God Mass – Székesfehérvár
Date: Saturday, 21. April 2018, 07:00pm
Venue: Vízivárosi Jézus Szíve Templom, Székesfehérvár
Mass for mixed chorus, soprano saxophone and organ
Whitbourn: Son of God Mass – Budapest
Date: Saturday, 7. April 2018, 07:30pm
Venue: Pasaréti Páduai Szent Antal templom, Budapest
Mass for mixed chorus, soprano saxophone and organ
Advent Concert
Date: Saturday, 9. December 2017, 06:00pm
Venue: St. Columba’s Scottish Church
You are welcome to join our special Advent Concert in 2017. This time the Gabrieli Choir will be performing together with the Concerto Chamber Orchestra. Through this wonderful music, we would like to bring the Christmas message of hope and peace to the world.
Henry Purcell and other English sacred masterpieces
Date: Saturday, 25. November 2017, 07:00pm
Venue: St. Columba’s Scottish Church
Joint concert with the Concerto Chamber Orchestra
Date: Sunday, 7. May 2017, 06:00pm
Venue: Mindenki Temploma, Budapest, Cserkesz utca 7-9., 1105
The Gabrieli Choir will be singing at the 5th-anniversary concert of the Concerto Chamber Orchestra.
Choral Evensong for Lent
Date: Saturday, 1. April 2017, 05:30pm
Venue: Chapel of the Protestant College Budapest, XII. Eötvös út 35.
Traditional Anglican service using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer with music by Howells, Morales, Bairstow & William Lloyd Webber
Holy Communion
Date: Sunday, 5. March 2017, 10:30am
Venue: Protestáns Felsőoktatási Szakkollégium (Budapest XII., Eötvös út 35.)
Gabrieli Choir’s next engagement will take place this coming Sunday. The morning service, for the First Sunday of Lent, will be an opportunity to hear Anglican cathedral repertoire performed in Hungary in the context for which most of it was originally written, i.e., Anglican liturgy.
Joint concert with the Concerto Chamber Orchestra
Date: Saturday, 11. February 2017, 06:00pm
Venue: Saint Columba’s Scottish Presbyterian Church Budapest, VI., Vörösmarty utca 51.
The Gabrieli Choir will be singing at the 5th-anniversary concert of the Concerto Chamber Orchestra.
Carol Service
Date: Friday, 16. December 2016, 06:00pm
Venue: Saint Columba’s Scottish Presbyterian Church Budapest, VI., Vörösmarty utca 51.
Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols in Budapest: the service is based around nine short Bible readings telling the Christmas story. Interspersed with these are carols, both familiar and new, some sung by the choir alone, others by the choir and congregation together. There are short prayers towards the beginning and the end of the service.
Christmas Carols, Szentendre
Date: Sunday, 11. December 2016, 04:40pm
Venue: Szentendre, Fő tér
Carol singing and lighting of Advent candle in Szentendre with the choir of Vujicsics Tihamér School.
Advent Evensong
Date: Saturday, 26. November 2016, 05:30pm
Venue: Budapest-Fasori Evangélikus templom (Budapest, VII., Városligeti fasor 17.)
Traditional Anglican service using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer with music by Howells, Gardiner, Stanford & Bach.
Traditional Anglican service
Date: Sunday, 9. October 2016, 10:30am
Venue: Budapest Fasori Evangélikus Gimnázium, Városligeti fasor 17-21.
Traditional Anglican service using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer
Will Todd: Mass in Blue
Date: Friday, 10. June 2016, 07:30pm
Venue: Herminamezői Szentlélek templom (Budapest, XIV., Kassai tér)
Will Todd: Mass in Blue jazz mass for choir, soprano soloist and jazz trio. The Gabrieli Choir’s final concert before the summer break.
Gabrieli Choir 10th Anniversary Concert
Date: Saturday, 12. December 2015, 07:00pm
Venue: Saint Columba’s Scottish Presbyterian Church Budapest, VI., Vörösmarty utca 51.
Gerald Finzi (1901-1956) In Terra Pax, Christmas Scene for soprano and baritone soloists, chamber choir, harp, cymbals and strings Gustav Holst (1874-1934) Saint Paul’s Suite and English Christmas music